"JUSTPLAY is for the community. Inclusivity is a core value within our brand as we want everyone to enjoy our sessions and to feel comfortable.
Basketball has taught me so much, I'm in a great position to give back to the sport. Having been introduced to basketball from a young age, I have found that my commitment changed but my love for the sport never did. Now I run my own C.I.C, it is a dream to transform my passion into reality.
I feel blessed to be in a position to honestly say that I love what I do.
Our sessions aim to attract those that love basketball and want to play at a recreational level, have fun and build confidence. I am positive that our simple concept can play a key role in developing basketball here in the UK. JUSTPLAY has had a great effect on the community both mentally and physically, this is the driving force to spread our values further and encourage more people to just, play basketball." - Chloe Burdett (Winner of 2019, 2020, 2023 West Midlands inspiring female award from Basketball England).